In the event of an emergency, a bug-out bag is essential in getting you to a place of relative safety as quickly as possible. These kits help you respond to a crisis by providing you with the essentials you need to survive for 72 hours. They are compact and light enough that they can be carried on your person at all times, whether you’re at home or work. The preparation and thought that goes into creating a bug-out bag will have a significant impact on the likelihood of your survival if you are ever forced to leave your home or office in response to an emergency situation. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to put together your very own bug-out bag kit. Doing so will likely seem like common sense once we get through it all, but as we all know, common sense isn’t always common practice. In this guide, we will walk you through everything from A-Z; from what type of bag to use when packing your kit, what items are essential for survival in any given situation, how much water you should carry on hand at any given time and much more!
What is a Bug-Out Bag?
A bug-out bag, or BOB, is a general term for the type of bag that you will use to hold a variety of supplies that you would use in an emergency situation. The type of emergency that would require you to use one of these bags could vary greatly depending on the situation. Situations that could require you to pack your BOB include natural disasters like floods or wildfires, man-made disasters like terrorist attacks or disease outbreaks, or even an economic collapse where you may need to leave your home in search of more food or water. Regardless of the nature of the emergency, a bug-out bag can help you survive until you are able to return to your home or a safe place of refuge.
Why you should have a Bug-Out Bag?
The short answer to this is “because it will increase your chances of surviving.” There is always a chance that you will be caught in an emergency situation and forced to leave your home or place of work quickly. Having a bug-out bag on hand will allow you to grab it and go to a safer place with all of your essential supplies right there with you. You may think that you will be able to stay put during an emergency, but this can often prove to be a false assumption. Natural disasters that affect your area could block off roads, airports, or railways, preventing you from traveling to a safer location even if you wanted to. In the event of a pandemic or a man-made disaster such as a terrorist attack, you may be advised to stay in your home, but that doesn’t mean that you will be safe there. Having a bug-out bag packed and ready to go will allow you to leave your home quickly if the conditions inside become unsafe.
Which backpack should you use?
The backpack that you choose to use for your bug-out bag should be a high-quality, durable bag made out of waterproof material. You want something that can protect your supplies, but also allows your back to breathe while you are wearing it, since you’ll likely be wearing it for a long period of time. You want something that is large enough to hold the supplies that you need, but not so large that it is cumbersome and difficult to carry. You also don’t want to use a backpack that is so large that you can’t easily carry it on your back and lift it into a car or other mode of transportation. The size of the backpack that you choose may depend on the size of your family and the amount of supplies that you need to keep on hand. If you are in charge of preparing a bug-out bag for your entire family, you will likely want to use a backpack that is large enough to hold all of your supplies but that is not so large that you cannot lift it into a vehicle if necessary.
The most essential items in your bag
- Water – Water is the single most important thing that you can keep in your bug-out bag. The human body can survive for three weeks without food, but only three days without water. You will die within three days if you do not drink water. Water is also heavy, which is important to remember when you’re choosing what to keep in your bag. You’ll want at least two litres of water per person per day, but you may want more if you are part of a larger group.
- Food – You’ll also want to keep a few days’ worth of food in your bag. There are many options when it comes to choosing food to keep in your bag. You can keep non-perishable items like canned food, or you can keep items that require no refrigeration, like granola bars. You can also keep freeze-dried foods in your bag which are compact, lightweight and easy to prepare.
Clothing and Equipment – Which items are essential?
- A good pair of sturdy shoes – You’ll want to make sure that you have a good pair of sturdy shoes with you in your bag. You’ll be walking through unsafe terrain, so sturdy shoes with good traction are essential.
- A first aid kit – You’ll also want to keep a first aid kit in your bag as you may need to treat cuts and scrapes that you receive while traveling.
- A torch and extra batteries – You’ll also want to keep a torch in your bag, along with extra batteries so that you can have light even if the power goes out.
Tools and other advanced equipment that will help you stay alive
- A knife – A knife is also essential to your survival. You can use it to cut things, as well as defend yourself if necessary. Choose a knife with a sturdy handle and a sharp blade.
- A rope – A length of rope can come in handy during a variety of situations. You can use it to secure items in your bag or to climb out of a dangerous situation. – A sewing kit and extra needles
- A sewing kit and extra needles can help you to patch up torn clothing or repair small tears and rips in your bag.
- A multi-tool – having a multifunctional device that can be used in many different scenarios can be an invaluable addition. For example, having pliers, a hammer, an axe, a screwdriver and a saw in one handy item.
A bug-out bag is an essential item for an emergency situation. It allows you to grab your bag and go to a safer place with all of your necessities. There are many different types of bags available, so it can be difficult to choose one that is right for you. It is important to consider which items are essential to your survival and then choose a bag that can fit all of these items. Once you have a bug-out bag, it is important to keep it maintained and updated so that you can respond to an emergency situation as quickly as possible.